Home Terms of use

Terms of use

One. – Information Society Services Law

In compliance with Article 10 of Spanish Law 34/2002, of July 11th, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, and European Directive 2000/31/EC, we inform you that this website www.transparentedge.eu belongs to TRANSPARENT EDGE SERVICES, S.L. (hereinafter, the Owner), with Spanish Tax ID (CIF) no. B85363141 and address Calle Cedaceros 11, 6ºC, 28014 (Madrid) Spain, registered in the Mercantile Register of Madrid, Volume 25536, Book 0, Section 8, Folio 16, Sheet Number M-460149, Registration 4.

You can contact the owner of the web page by calling (+34) 910916419 or by sending an email to info@transparentedge.eu.

Two. – Purpose of the web page

For the purposes of compliance with Spanish Law 34/2002, of July 11th, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter “LSSI”), and Spanish Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5th, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, the owner of the referenced domain informs the user that the purpose of the web page is to promote and provide information about the services it provides, in order to publicize them with the option of requesting and obtaining more information through various contact channels.

Any personal information that you may provide through any of those means shall be used exclusively to contact you to respond to your requests for information, as well as to proceed with the contracting and monitoring of digital marketing services in the event that you do purchase them. The data may not be used for other purposes or be transferred to third parties without your consent.

This legal notice establishes the conditions of use for the portal.

Three. – Conditions of user access

The user is required to use the information contained on this Internet site exclusively for the purposes of the Portal and to make no unauthorized commercial use of it.

The user of the website shall be entitled to free and open access to the public information it contains.

The user shall be liable to THE OWNER or to third parties for any damages that could be caused as a result of failing to comply with this obligation.

Access to the Portal is free, and the user is only responsible for the cost of accessing the Network.

However, if any part of the Portal were to involve access to certain paid services, this shall be indicated prior to accessing them.

Four. – Limitation of liability

Although the manager of the portal makes every effort to ensure that the content of the Portal—and any third-party content that appears on the Portal—is free from any errors, the owner of the Portal is not liable for and does guarantee the veracity or suitability of said content, or for the consequences of using it.

The owner of the Portal is not liable for the existence of viruses, worms, or any other similar elements, and the user is solely responsible for having the necessary mechanisms to prevent damage to their computer equipment and systems.

TRANSPARENT EDGE SERVICES, S.L. assumes no liability for the transmission, diffusion, storage, availability, reception, access, or use of the website, particularly:

  1. The existence of any log-in or programming error that causes any interruption to the website or its functionality, no matter the origin, any harmful element, or the involvement of a third party, as well as: server failure, updating and accuracy of data, maintenance work, insufficient capacity to support the necessary computer systems for using the service offered, etc.
  2. Acts of unfair competition and illegal publicity as a result of the transmission, diffusion, storage, availability, reception, obtaining of, or access to the website or its content. The lack of veracity, accuracy completeness, pertinence, and/or timeliness of the website or its contents.
  3. The possible lack of suitability for the indicated purposes or the failure to fulfill any expectations that could be generated by the website or its contents.

Five. – Intellectual property

The information used and displayed on the website—including software, graphics, illustrations, names, logos, and brands—is the property of the OWNER and is protected by International Intellectual and Industrial Property Laws, particularly by Spanish Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12th.

It is prohibited to copy, modify, create a derivative work, reverse the conception or the union of, or in any other way try to find the source code, sell, attribute, sublicense, or transfer in any way, any right related to the computer programs. It is also prohibited to modify the computer program or use modified versions of the programs, above all for the purposes of (but not limited to) obtaining unauthorized access to the service and logging into the website through any other means than the interface provided by THE OWNER.

Six. – Links to the Portal

It is permitted to enter links to the portal, but they must point directly to the full landing page. To create any other type of link, the interested party must have written authorization from the Portal’s administrators.

It is fully prohibited, regardless of the type of link to the Portal, to establish frames or any other mechanism that enables the content to be displayed through any other site than the Portal.

Seven. – Use of the website

Within the limits established by law, the user assumes all legal liability derived from the incorrect, inappropriate, or illegal use of the web page, including:

a) Using any device, software, virus, malware, or routine to interfere with or attempt to interfere with the proper functioning of the site,

b) “Phishing” or stealing the identity of another person by acting in their name,

c) Using the web page to publicize themselves through links, online marketing, or any other means that could entail the use of fraudulent advertising,

d) Posting any content that is threatening or violent.

Eight. – Consent and Jurisdiction

The user agrees to the conditions described and assumes all legal liability for not complying with the terms described herein. If any controversy is derived from using the services offered or the contents of the Portal, the parties expressly waive any legal jurisdiction other than the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid (Spain).

Nine. – Validity of the conditions of use

These conditions of use of the Portal shall remain in effect indefinitely.

However, THE OWNER reserves the right to unilaterally modify these conditions whenever it sees fit. Any modification shall enter into effect as soon it is published on the landing page of the Portal.

Last updated: January 2024